Small Groups

Pastor’s Study & Prayer Group: Sundays at 12:15 pm In the Disciple Room Contact Pastor Bob at 607-648-4326 or for more details to join the group. Everyone is welcome!


Youth Sunday School: Sundays 9:30-10:30 am in the Knitting for the Lord room (B2) Also, any Middle/High School students who would like to help and mentor our younger students are invited! Volunteers are needed to fill in for teachers as well. Please contact Carolyn Morrison @716-531-6124 with questions or call the church office 607-648-4339 for more information. 

Adult Sunday School: Sundays 9:30-10:30 AM Please contact Tom James 607-766-1805 if you would like more information or call church office 607-648-4339. Please join us for learning & fellowship in the Adult Christian Education Room (B6) 

Monday Evening Ladies Group: Monday evening 6:00-7:30 PM.  In the Library. Contact Robin Stolarcyk @ 607-743-3471 for more information or call church office 607-648-4339. Group will be meeting again in October.

Rachel Circle: 10:00 a.m. the 3rd Tuesday of every month (Sept.-June) in the Disciple Room (B4). All ladies are welcome to attend. For questions, please contact Jill Lyon or call church office @ 607-648-4339.

Knitting for the Lord: Every Tuesday at 6:00 PM in the KFL room (B2). Everyone is invited to join. For questions, please contact Sue Alcott at 607-648-6340 or Jill Lyon. No meetings until further notice


Men’s Small Group: This group meets every Wednesday from 2:30-4:00pm in the Knitting for the Lord Room (B2). Contact Pastor Bob @910-260-0551 or email @ if interested in joining.

Upper Room, devotionals available: Contact the church office, 607-648-4339 & we will mail you one. The Upper Room Devotional online: If you do not pay for long distance, you can call 1.615.212.2013 or a free call 1.877.600.7218

Other online devotionals: Our Daily Bread link:

Girl Friends in God link:

Note: Contact the church office at or 607-648-4339 for more information on church groups.


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